The 300 most popular words found in children's literature.

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Word# of Letters# of SyllablesOnset SpellingOncleusCoda# of PhonemesPhoneme Key
had31hadhad3a = bad, ant
family63    6a = had, ant
last41lastlast4a = had, ant
happy52    4a = had, ant
have41havehave3a = had, ant
bad31badbad3a = had, ant
ran31ranran3a = had, ant
man31manman3a = had, ant
can31cancan3a = had, ant
hand41handhand4a = had, ant
has31hashas3a = had, ant
sat31satsat3a = had, ant
cat31catcat3a = had, ant
black51blackblack4a = had, ant
and31 andand3a = had, ant
at21 atat2a = had, ant
back41backback3a = had, ant
an21 anan2a = had, ant
as21 asas2a = had, ant
fast41fastfast4a = had, ant
after52    4a = had, ant
ask31 askask3a = had, ant
am21 amam2a = had, ant
say31saysay 2A = they, day
a11 aa 1A = they, say
paper52    4A = they, say
take41taketake3A = they, say
make41makemake3A = they, say
great51greatgreat4A = they, say
maybe52    4A = they, say
place51placeplace4A = they, say
face41faceface3A = they, say
gave41gavegave3A = they, say
same41samesame3A = they, say
name41namename3A = they, say
way31wayway 2A = they, say
play41playplay 3A = they, say
may31maymay 2A = they, say
day31dayday 2A = they, say
came41camecame3A = they, say
made41mademade3A = they, say
car31carcar2ar = hard, car
far31farfar2ar = hard, far
start51startstart4ar = hard, far
part41partpart3ar = hard, far
are31 areare1ar = hard, far
hard41hardhard3ar = part, far
where51wherewhere2Ar = there, bear
air31 airair1Ar = where, bear
very42    3Ar = where, bear
bear41bearbear2Ar = where, very
ball41ballball3aw = saw, long
dog31dogdog3aw = saw, long
gone41gonegone3aw = saw, long
call41callcall3aw = saw, long
off31 offoff2aw = saw, long
all31 allall2aw = saw, long
almost62    6aw = saw, long
also42    4aw = saw, long
always62    5aw = saw, long
small51smallsmall4aw = saw, long
talk41talktalk3aw = saw, long
water52    4aw = saw, long
walk41walkwalk3aw = saw, long
long41longlong3aw = saw, off
saw31sawsaw2aw = small, long
children82    7C = much, watch
that41thatthat3D = than, the
there51therethere2D = that, the
their51theirtheir2D = that, the
than41thanthan3D = that, the
these51thesethese3D = that, the
those51thosethose3D = that, the
they41theythey 2D = that, the
them41themthem3D = that, the
then41thenthen3D = that, the
this41thisthis3D = that, the
the31thethe 2D = that, they
head41headhead3e = get, any
every52 or 3    4e = get, head
when41whenwhen3e = get, head
next41nextnext5e = get, head
anything83    6e = get, head
everyone83    7e = get, head
help41helphelp4e = get, head
left41leftleft4e = get, head
many42    4e = get, head
red31redred3e = get, head
said41saidsaid3e = get, head
well41wellwell3e = get, head
tell41telltell3e = get, head
friend61friendfriend5e = get, head
end31 endend3e = get, head
went41wentwent4e = get, head
set31setset3e = get, head
let31letlet3e = get, head
bed31bedbed3e = get, head
best41bestbest4e = get, head
yes31yesyes3e = get, head
never52    4e = get, head
men31menmen3e = get, head
better62    4e = get, head
any32    3e = get, head
ever42    3e = get, head
ready52    4e = get, head
see31seesee 2E = he, keep
read41readread3E = he, see
being52    4E = he, see
even42    3E = he, see
we21wewe 2E = he, see
tree41treetree 3E = he, see
me21meme 2E = he, see
each41 eacheach2E = he, see
seen41seenseen3E = he, see
green51greengreen4E = he, see
street61streetstreet5E = he, see
feet41feetfeet3E = he, see
eat31 eateat2E = he, see
be21bebe 2E = he, see
sleep51sleepsleep4E = he, see
keep41keepkeep3E = he, see
need41needneed3E = he, see
people62    5E = he, see
he21hehe 2E = me, see
get31getget3e = set, head
near41nearnear2Er = hear, here
here41herehere2Er = near, hear
year41yearyear2Er = near, here
hear41hearhear2Er = near, here
work41workwork3er = word, girl
girl41girlgirl3er = work, first
word41wordword3er = work, girl
heard51heardheard3er = work, girl
turn41turnturn3er = work, girl
first51firstfirst4er = work, girl
were41werewere2er = work, girl
her31herher2er = work, girl
again52    4ə = about, suppose
across62    5ə = about, suppose
along52    4ə = about, suppose
around62    5ə = about, suppose
today52    4ə = about, suppose
another73    5ə = about, suppose
away42    3ə = about, suppose
together83    6ə = about, suppose
until52    5ə = about, suppose
about52    4ə = away, suppose
him31himhim3i = did, still
kind41kindkind4I = find, my
before62    4i = him, still
began52    5i = him, still
been41beenbeen3i = him, still
because72    5i = him, still
different92 or 3    7i = him, still
enough62    4i = him, still
which51whichwhich3i = him, still
live41livelive3i = him, still
really62    4i = him, still
without72    5i = him, still
with41withwith3i = him, still
behind62    6i = him, still
himself72    7i = him, still
inside62    5i = him, still
into42    4i = him, still
little62    5i = him, still
picture72    5i = him, still
window62    5i = him, still
in21 inin2i = him, still
will41willwill3i = him, still
it21 itit2i = him, still
if21 ifif2i = him, still
big31bigbig3i = him, still
fish41fishfish3i = him, still
its31 itsits3i = him, still
did31diddid3i = him, still
is21 isis2i = him, still
his31hishis3i = him, still
give41givegive3i = him, still
still51stillstill4i = him, will
my21mymy 2I = kind, by
fire41 or 2firefire3I = kind, my
why31whywhy 2I = kind, my
while51whilewhile3I = kind, my
white51whitewhite3I = kind, my
like41likelike3I = kind, my
right51rightright3I = kind, my
night51nightnight3I = kind, my
might51mightmight3I = kind, my
light51lightlight3I = kind, my
find41findfind4I = kind, my
try31trytry 3I = kind, my
sky31skysky 3I = kind, my
I11 II 1I = kind, my
high41highhigh2I = kind, my
eye31 eyeeye 1I = kind, my
by21byby 2I = kind, my
time41timetime3I = kind, my
side41sideside3I = kind, my
most41mostmost4O = go, show
open42    4O = go, show
so21soso 2O = go, show
oh21 ohoh1O = go, show
no21nono 2O = go, show
know41knowknow2O = go, show
own31 ownown2O = go, show
over42    3O = go, show
told41toldtold4O = go, show
old31 oldold3O = go, show
home41homehome3O = go, show
cold41coldcold4O = go, show
only42    4O = go, show
want41wantwant4o = got, father
on21 onon2o = got, want
father62    4o = got, want
top31toptop3o = got, want
stop41stopstop4o = got, want
not31notnot3o = got, want
hot31hothot3o = got, want
box31boxbox4o = got, want
go21gogo 2O = no, show
got31gotgot3o = top, want
your41youryour2or = for, door
or21 oror1or = for, your
morning72    5or = for, your
story52    4or = for, your
more41moremore2or = for, your
door41doordoor2or = for, your
for31forfor2or = story, your
now31nownow2ow = how, out
our31 or 2 ourour2ow = now, out
down41downdown3ow = now, out
how31howhow2ow = now, out
sound51soundsound4ow = now, out
ground61groundground5ow = now, out
found51foundfound4ow = now, out
house51househouse3ow = now, out
out31 outout2ow = now, sound
voice51voicevoice3oy = boy, choice
boy31boyboy 2oy = toy, voice
sure41suresure2S = ship, sugar
she31sheshe 2S = ship, sure
show41showshow2S = ship, sure
should61shouldshould3S = ship, sure
think51thinkthink4T = thing, both
thought71thoughtthought3T = think, both
three51threethree 3T = think, both
through71throughthrough3T = think, both
thing51thingthing3T = think, both
to21toto 2U = do, room
put31putput3u = pull, book
woman52    5u = put, book
took41tooktook3u = put, book
look41looklook3u = put, book
pull41pullpull3u = put, book
would51wouldwould3u = put, book
stood51stoodstood4u = put, book
good41goodgood3u = put, book
could51couldcould3u = put, book
book41bookbook3u = put, took
new31newnew2U = to, room
knew41knewknew2U = to, room
use31 useuse3U = to, room
you31youyou 2U = to, room
who31whowho 2U = to, room
two31twotwo 2U = to, room
too31tootoo 2U = to, room
do21dodo 2U = to, room
school61schoolschool4U = to, room
move41movemove3U = to, room
soon41soonsoon3U = to, room
food41foodfood3U = to, room
few31fewfew3U = to, room
room41roomroom3U = to, soon
what41whatwhat3uh = but, from
just41justjust4uh = but, from
nothing72    5uh = but, from
once41 onceonce4uh = but, from
someone72    6uh = but, from
something92    6uh = but, from
sometimes92    7uh = but, from
other52    3uh = but, from
mother62    4uh = but, from
us21 usus2uh = but, from
some41somesome3uh = but, from
up21 upup2uh = but, from
was31waswas3uh = but, from
sun31sunsun3uh = but, from
run31runrun3uh = but, from
one31 oneone3uh = but, from
fun31funfun3uh = but, from
come41comecome3uh = but, from
must41mustmust4uh = but, from
money52    4uh = but, from
front51frontfront5uh = but, from
of21 ofof2uh = but, from
much41muchmuch3uh = but, from
under52    4uh = but, from
does41doesdoes3uh = but, from
from41fromfrom4uh = but, front
but31butbut3uh = sun, from

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