Deeper Dive: while

while noun [AS. hwīl; akin to OS. hwīl, hwīla, OFries. hwīle, D. wigl, G. weile, OHG. wīla, hwīla, hwīl, Icel. hvīla a bed, hvīld rest, Sw. hvila, Dan. hvile, Goth. hweila a time, and probably to L. quietus quiet, and perhaps to Gr. the proper time of season. √20. Cf. Quiet, Whilom.]

1. Space of time, or continued duration, esp. when short; a time; as, one while we thought him innocent.
“All this while.” Shak.

This mighty queen may no while endure. Chaucer.

[Some guest that] hath outside his welcome while,
And tells the jest without the smile. Coleridge.

I will go forth and breathe the air a while. Longfellow.
2. That which requires time; labor; pains. [Obs.]
Satan . . . cast him how he might quite her while. Chaucer.
At whiles
at times; at intervals.

And so on us at whiles it falls, to claim
Powers that we dread. J. H. Newman.
The while

The whiles
in or during the time that; meantime; while. Tennyson.
Within a while
in a short time; soon.
Worth while
worth the time which it requires; worth the time and pains; hence, worth the expense; as, it is not always worth while for a man to prosecute for small debts.
While transitive verb [imperfect or past participle Whiled; present participle or verbal noun Whiling.] To cause to pass away pleasantly or without irksomeness or disgust; to spend or pass; – usually followed by away.
The lovely lady whiled the hours away. Longfellow.
While intransitive verb To loiter. [R.] Spectator.

While conjunction

1. During the time that; as long as; whilst; at the same time that; as, while I write, you sleep.
“While I have time and space.” Chaucer.

Use your memory; you will sensibly experience a gradual improvement, while you take care not to overload it. I. Watts.
2. Hence, under which circumstances; in which case; though; whereas.

While as

While that
during or at the time that. [Obs.]
While preposition Until; till. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
I may be conveyed into your chamber;
I’ll lie under your bed while midnight. Beau. & Fl.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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