Deeper Dive: stale

stale (stāl), noun [OE. stale, stele, AS. stael, stel; akin to LG. & D. steel, G. stiel; cf. L. stilus stake, stalk, stem, Gr. στελεόν a handle, and E. stall, stalk, n.] The stock or handle of anything; as, the stale of a rake. [Written also steal, stele, etc.]

But seeing the arrow’s stale without, and that the head did go No further than it might be seen. Chapman.

Stale, adjective [Akin to stale urine, and to stall, n.; probably from Low German or Scandinavian. Cf. Stale, intransitive verb]

1. Vapid or tasteless from age; having lost its life, spirit, and flavor, from being long kept; as, stale beer.

2. Not new; not freshly made; as, stale bread.

3. Having lost the life or graces of youth; worn out; decayed.

“A stale virgin.” Spectator.

4. Worn out by use or familiarity; having lost its novelty and power of pleasing; trite; common. Swift.

Wit itself, if stale is less pleasing. Grew.

How weary, stale flat, and unprofitable
Seem to me all the uses of this world! Shak.

Stale affidavit (Law): an affidavit held above a year. Craig.

Stale demand (Law): a claim or demand which has not been pressed or demanded for a long time.

Stale, transitive verb [imperfect or past participle Staled (stāld); present participle or verbal noun Staling.] To make vapid or tasteless; to destroy the life, beauty, or use of; to wear out.

Age can not wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety. Shak.

Stale, intransitive verb [Akin to D. & G. stallen, Dan. stalle, Sw. stalla, and E. stall a stable. √ 163. See Stall, noun, and cf.

Stale, adjective] To make water; to discharge urine; – said especially of horses and cattle. Hudibras.

Stale, noun [See Stale, adjective & intransitive verb]

1. That which is stale or worn out by long keeping, or by use. [Obs.]

2. A prostitute. [Obs.] Shak.

3. Urine, esp. that of beasts.

“Stale of horses.” Shak.

Stale, noun [Cf. OF. estal place, position, abode, market, F. étal a butcher's stall, OHG. stal station, place, stable, G. stall (see Stall, noun); or from OE. stale theft, AS. stalu (see Steal, transitive verb).]

1. Something set, or offered to view, as an allurement to draw others to any place or purpose; a decoy; a stool pigeon. [Obs.]

Still, as he went, he crafty stales did lay. Spenser.

2. A stalking-horse. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

3. (Chess) A stalemate. [Obs.] Bacon.

4. A laughingstock; a dupe. [Obs.] Shak.

-- Websters 1913