Deeper Dive: soon

soon adverb [OE. sone, AS. sōna; cf. OFries. sōn, OS. sāna, sāno, OHG. sār, Goth. suns.]

1. In a short time; shortly after any time specified or supposed; as, soon after sunrise.
“Sooner said than done.” Old Proverb.

“As soon as it might be.” Chaucer.

She finished, and the subtle fiend his lore
Soon learned. Milton.
2. Without the usual delay; before any time supposed; early.
How is it that ye are come so soon to-day? Ex. ii. 18.
3. Promptly; quickly; easily.
Small lights are soon blown out, huge fires abide. Shak.
4. Readily; willingly; – in this sense used with would, or some other word expressing will.
I would as soon see a river winding through woods or in meadows, as when it is tossed up in so many whimsical figures at Versailles. Addison.
As soon as


So soon as
immediately at or after another event.

“As soon as he came nigh unto the camp . . . he saw the calf, and the dancing.” Ex. xxxii. 19.

See So . . . as, under So.
Soon at
as soon as; or, as soon as the time referred to arrives. [Obs.]

“I shall be sent for soon at night.” Shak.
Sooner or later
at some uncertain time in the future; as, he will discover his mistake sooner or later.
With the soonest
as soon as any; among the earliest; too soon. [Obs.] Holland.
Soon adjective Speedy; quick. [Obs.] Shak.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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