Deeper Dive: sip

Sip (sĭp), transitive verb [imperfect or past participle Sipped (sĭpt); present participle or verbal noun Sipping.] [OE. sippen; akin to OD. sippen, and AS. span to sip, suck up, drink. See Sup, transitive verb]

1. To drink or imbibe in small quantities; especially, to take in with the lips in small quantities, as a liquid; as, to sip tea.

“Every herb that sips the dew.” Milton.

2. To draw into the mouth; to suck up; as, a bee sips nectar from the flowers.

3. To taste the liquor of; to drink out of. [Poetic]

They skim the floods, and sip the purple flowers. Dryden.

Sip, intransitive verb To drink a small quantity; to take a fluid with the lips; to take a sip or sips of something.

[She] raised it to her mouth with sober grace;
Then, sipping, offered to the next in place. Dryden.

Sip, noun

1. The act of sipping; the taking of a liquid with the lips.

2. A small draught taken with the lips; a slight taste.

One sip of this
Will bathe the drooping spirits in delight
Beyond the bliss of dreams. Milton.

A sip is all that the public ever care to take from reservoirs of abstract philosophy. De Quincey.

-- Websters 1913
