Deeper Dive: pat

pat transitive verb [imperfect or past participle Patted; present participle or verbal noun Patting.] [Cf. G. patschen, Prov. G. patzen, to strike, tap.] To strike gently with the fingers or hand; to stroke lightly; to tap; as, to pat a dog.

Gay pats my shoulder, and you vanish quite. Pope.

Pat, noun

1. A light, quik blow or stroke with the fingers or hand; a tap.

2. A small mass, as of butter, shaped by pats.

It looked like a tessellated work of pats of butter. Dickens.

Pat, adjective [Cf. pat a light blow, D. te pas convenient, pat, where pas is fr. F. passer to pass.] Exactly suitable; fit; convenient; timely.

“Pat allusion.” Barrow.

Pats, adverb In a pat manner.

I foresaw then ’t would come in pat hereafter. Sterne.

-- Websters 1913
