Deeper Dive: nap

Nap (năp), intransitive verb [imperfect or past participle Napped (năpt); present participle or verbal noun Napping (năp′pĭng).] [OE. nappen, AS. hnæppian to take a nap, to slumber; cf. AS. hnipian to bend one’s self, Icel. hnipna, hnīpa, to droop.]

To have a short sleep; to be drowsy; to doze. Chaucer.

I took thee napping, unprepared. Hudibras.

Nap, noun A short sleep; a doze; a siesta. Cowper.

Nap, noun [OE. noppe, AS. hnoppa; akin to D. nop, Dan. noppe, LG. nobbe.]

1. Woolly or villous surface of felt, cloth, plants, etc.; an external covering of down, of short fine hairs or fibers forming part of the substance of anything, and lying smoothly in one direction; the pile; as, the nap of cotton flannel or of broadcloth.

2. pl. The loops which are cut to make the pile, in velvet. Knight.

Nap, transitive verb To raise, or put, a nap on.

Nap, noun Same as Napoleon, 1, below.

-- Websters 1913
