Deeper Dive: ever

ever adverb [OE. ever, æfre, AS. æfre; perh. akin to AS. ā always. Cf. Aye, Age,Evry, Never.] [Sometimes contracted into e’er.]

1. At any time; at any period or point of time.
No man ever yet hated his own flesh. Eph. v. 29.
2. At all times; through all time; always; forever.
He shall ever love, and always be
The subject of by scorn and cruelty. Dryder.
3. Without cessation; continually.

☞ Ever is sometimes used as an intensive or a word of enforcement.
“His the old man e'er a son?” Shak

To produce as much as ever they can. M. Arnold.
Ever and anon
now and then; often. See under Anon.
Ever is one
continually; constantly. [Obs.] Chaucer.
Ever so
in whatever degree; to whatever extent; – used to intensify indefinitely the meaning of the associated adjective or adverb. See Never so, under Never.

“Let him be ever so rich.” Emerson.

And all the question (wrangle e'er so long),
Is only this, if God has placed him wrong. Pope.

You spend ever so much money in entertaining your equals and betters. Thackeray.
For ever
eternally. See Forever.
For ever and a day
emphatically forever. Shak.

She [Fortune] soon wheeled away, with scornful laughter, out of sight for ever and day. Prof. Wilson.
Or ever (for or ere)
before. See Or, ere. [Archaic]

Would I had met my dearest foe in heaven
Or ever I had seen that day, Horatio! Shak.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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