Deeper Dive: enough

enough interjection An exclamation denoting sufficiency, being a shortened form of it is enough.

E-nough′ (ē̍-nŭf′) adjective [OE. inoh, inow, enogh, AS. genōh, genōg, a. & adv. (akin to OS. ginōg, D. genoeg, OHG. ginoug, G. genug, Icel. gnōgr, Sw. nog, Dan. nok, Goth. ganōhs), fr. geneah it suffices (akin to Goth. ganah); pref. ge- + a root akin to L. nancisci to get, Skr. naç, Gr. ἐνεγκεῖν to carry.]

Satisfying desire; giving content; adequate to meet the want; sufficient; – usually, and more elegantly, following the noun to which it belongs.
How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare! Luke xv. 17.
E-nough′ adverb

1. In a degree or quantity that satisfies; to satisfaction; sufficiently.

2. Fully; quite; – used to express slight augmentation of the positive degree, and sometimes equivalent to very; as, he is ready enough to embrace the offer.
I know you well enough; you are Signior Antonio. Shak.

Thou knowest well enough . . . that this is no time to lend money. Shak.
3. In a tolerable degree; – used to express mere acceptableness or acquiescence, and implying a degree or quantity rather less than is desired; as, the song was well enough.

☞ Enough usually follows the word it modifies.

E-nough′ noun A sufficiency; a quantity which satisfies desire, is adequate to the want, or is equal to the power or ability; as, he had enough to do take care of himself. “Enough is as good as a feast.”
And Esau said, I have enough, my brother. Gen. xxxiii. 9.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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