Deeper Dive: eat

You don’t need a silver spoon to eat good food. Paul Prudhomme

The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age. Lucille Ball

Let them eat cake. Marie Antoinette


It wasn't raining, we were raving
And I don't know whether he was really saying it
But all he kept saying was
eat, sleep, rave, repeat
eat, sleep,
Eat sleep, rave repeat by Fatboy Slim


eat someone alive
eat like a bird
eat like a horse
eat someone out of house and home
eat your heart out
eat your words

eat transitive verb [imperfect Ate (āt; 277), Obsolescent & Colloq. Eat (ĕt); past participle Eaten (ēt′’n), Obs. or Colloq. Eat (ĕt); present participle or verbal noun Eating.] [OE. eten, AS. etan; akin to OS. etan, OFries. eta, D. eten, OHG. ezzan, G. essen, Icel. eta, Sw. äta, Dan. æde, Goth. itan, Ir. & Gael. ith, W. ysu, L. edere, Gr. ἔδειν, Skr. ad. √6. Cf. Etch, Fret to rub, Edible.]

1. To chew and swallow as food; to devour; – said especially of food not liquid; as, to eat bread.
“To eat grass as oxen.” Dan. iv. 25.

They . . . ate the sacrifices of the dead. Ps. cvi. 28.

The lean . . . did eat up the first seven fat kine. Gen. xli. 20.

The lion had not eaten the carcass. 1 Kings xiii. 28.

With stories told of many a feat,
How fairy Mab the junkets eat. Milton.

The island princes overbold
Have eat our substance. Tennyson.

His wretched estate is eaten up with mortgages. Thackeray.
2. To corrode, as metal, by rust; to consume the flesh, as a cancer; to waste or wear away; to destroy gradually; to cause to disappear. To eat humble pie
See under Humble.
To eat of (partitive use).
“Eat of the bread that can not waste.” Keble.
To eat one’s words
to retract what one has said. (See the Citation under Blurt.)
To eat out
to consume completely.

“Eat out the heart and comfort of it.” Tillotson.
To eat the wind out of a vessel (Naut.)
to gain slowly to windward of her.

Syn. – To consume; devour; gnaw; corrode.
Eat intransitive verb

1. To take food; to feed; especially, to take solid, in distinction from liquid, food; to board.
He did eat continually at the king's table. 2 Sam. ix. 13.
2. To taste or relish; as, it eats like tender beef.

3. To make one's way slowly.

To eat

To eat in


To eat into
to make way by corrosion; to gnaw; to consume.

“A sword laid by, which eats into itself.” Byron.
To eat to windward (Naut.)
to keep the course when closehauled with but little steering; – said of a vessel.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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