Deeper Dive: done

Done (?), p. p. from Do, and formerly the infinitive.
1. Performed; executed; finished.
2. It is done or agreed; let it be a match or bargain; -- used elliptically.
Done brown, a phrase in cookery; applied figuratively to one who has been thoroughly deceived, cheated, or fooled. [Colloq.] -- Done for, tired out; used up; collapsed; destroyed; dead; killed. [Colloq.] -- Done up. (a) Wrapped up. (b) Worn out; exhausted. [Colloq.]
Done , a. [Prob. corrupted from OF. doné, F. donné, p. p. of OF. doner, F. donner, to give, issue, fr. L. donare to give. See Donate, and cf. Donee.] Given; executed; issued; made public; -- used chiefly in the clause giving the date of a proclamation or public act.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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