Word Structure |
O = go, show
Local Voices |
Sentence Examples He spent most of the day playing. That is the most beautiful cake. Common Phrases At most |
Dashboard Fry Rank: 115/1000 |
Neighborhoods |
Rime Friends |
ghost |
host |
post |
Other Rhymes |
boast |
toast |
roast |
False Friends |
cost |
lost |
Vowel Friends |
both |
Onset + Vowel Friends |
mold |
molt |
moment |
Morphological Relatives |
backmost |
furthermost |
innermost |
mostly |
outermost |
rearmost |
topmost |
uppermost |
uttermost |
Semantic Relatives |
Deeper Dive Learn more about most |
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language statistics |
morphemes |
phonemes |
sedso by ignite